Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dear Life,
And I don't mean just physically, though I've been doing a lot of that lately.
I penned these words in September,
I'm just a girl,
blue eyes and yellow curls,
afraid of the world,
I keep to myself what I wanna be
I hide in my reverie.
I'm just a seed,
planted inside a shroud,
inclined to believe,
the world is a stomping ground
above my head.
I can't sleep inside this bed.
Sometimes I'm still that girl.
And then as I'm heading out the door--metaphorically speaking--which more accurately is me shutting the door and running away, losing myself somewhere deep inside, I stumble upon this scripture--Luke 12:24 "be ye not of doubtful mind." I'm not a firm believer in the, "I need an answer so I'm just going to close my eyes and open my scriptures and the first one I look at is my answer...." I don't think that's how it works. But, in some closely-related fashion I opened up my scriptures just for my regular study and I was drawn to this one. And then I start to feel like Zaccharias, who wanted something but didn't believe it would happen even when the Lord sent an angel to tell him it would--Luke 1:19-20--"and, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season."
hmm...there's that "timing" thing again.
which lead me to Luke 24:25--"O fools, and slow of heart to believe..." oh man, I think I'm being chastized here. And then maybe, Catherine, you need a little reminder. Mormon 9:9-11 "God is the same yesterday, today and forever, there is no variableness neither shadow of changing...[He is] a God of miracles." (Mormon chapter 9 is probably one of my favorite passages of scripture ever...I don't know why, but I find myself drawn back to it over and over in my life.) And inevitably I end up in the scripture that I needed to hear most--sometimes you have to put forth a little effort to "stumble on" your the price, if you will.
Matt. 14: 31 "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
Mark 4:40 "Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?"
*sigh* I don't know.
Mormon 9:27 "O then despise not and wonder not, but hearken unto the words of the Lord, and ask the Father in the name of Jesus for what things soever ye shall stand in need. Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him."
After contemplating this post already in my mind, I attempted to read the October 2010 conference edition of the ensign on our drive up to my grandparents in northern Arizona. I'm not much of a car reader...makes me want to die...but I made it through these two--Trust in God, then Go and Do and Faith--the Choice Is Yours. Probably not coincidental that in the first one President Eyring goes into detail about Peter's lack of faith on the water and quotes that same scripture, "wherefore didst thou doubt?" The second one talks about moving forward and having faith in the midst of unanswered questions, doubts, the unknown, the unseen and the unexplained...yeah...those things...that make me want to run.
Sometimes I need a reminder. Sometimes I need a smack in the face...apparently. I usually don't share these kinds of things with you. But it's where I'm at right now. And occassionally I get "open book" syndrome. I hope you don't mind.
I haven't written in a whole month. Wow. Sorry about that. Since you've been dying to know :), I'll catch you up on my December.
I went to not one, but two productions of "A Christmas Carol"--strike that--two performances of the same production (I had a friend in the cast.) My mom and I went to East Valley Mormon Choral Organization's christmas concert at the Mesa Arts Center--Let the Bells Ring (or something like that.) I have to say this really brought the Christmas spirit and began the season for me. Full orchestra, choirs ranging from 5 year olds to adults and some of my favorite Christmas songs--Sleigh Ride (my great grandmother used to play it on the piano and it always reminds me of her) and I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. I really went to support my friend, Stacia, but I'm glad it was good cause we might have procrastinated getting tickets and had to pay a lot of money for "the only available seats." Communists... j/k. Last week, my sister, mom and I went to see Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker" at Phoenix Symphony Hall with the Phoenix Symphony and Ballet Arizona. This classic is one of my all time favorites and I don't think I've seen it since my freshman year in college at Ballet West in SLC. Don't worry, we did get there 2 hours early because my mom was that worried about finding our way around downtown (this woman is perpetually late so don't ask me why this moment was different) and don't worry, we DID get to see Miss U.S.A. read the children's book of The Nutcracker in the lobby before the doors opened. mom thought it was a background of the story as told by someone in the cast or crew....turns out it was just story time with little kids anxiously looking at pictures as read by the beautiful long-legged woman with the tiara. Kristin and I did find humor in this and sat on the ground and made my mom take a picture....and yes we made sure Miss U.S.A. was in it.
I interviewed for, and got a job--thank you Hailee!--for which I am most grateful. It means I can get myself out of debt and save for New York....anything that gets me closer to New York, I am grateful!
I participated in the musical marathon that IS Christmastime--sang & accompanied & directed in 4 wards, a fireside (best. fireside. ever....if you sat on my row, you know what I'm talking about..and if you didn't, sucks for you!), and organized and participated in a spiritual/musical presentation for our ward's Christmas party. As my good friend Hunter Brady says, "Being musical at Christmastime is like being a man with at truck." Amen, brotha.
I ran the literal sense. My friend Camille and I are training for a half marathon on January 29th. I've been racking up somewhere between 15-25 miles a week. On Christmas Eve we went for our 8-miler and were feeling so good we decided to run 10. At mile 6, however, I rolled my ankle and biffed it hard core. Awesome, huh! I just sat there laughing while Camille and her sister were trying to console me. I honestly just thought it was funny. After the pain subsided and I re-gained some feeling in my ankle I decided to run 4 more miles. Runner's high!!! It's still a little swollen so I've been trying to take it easy this week---it's just so hard!!! I've been forced to take about 48 hours off cause though I would run here, it is a butt cold 36 degrees at 7,000 feet and if that's not enough it's windier than the seat of Aunt Delilah's pants!!! (no, I don't know what that means, either.) My goal is to run the 1/2 in less than 2.5 hrs. I think this is do-able for sure, but I'm hoping to surprise myself.
I'm also putting together a team for this--> Epic Oregon Relay on June 17-18 from Portland to Eugene, OR. If you are interested, let me know!!!
I had a self-love day. A day dedicated to myself, to treat myself and choose to not feel bad on my own very personal "I'm single and it's Valentine's Day" day. Initially my plans for my perfect day were thwarted for reasons beyond my control. So, I improvised, I got myself ready & looking cute, took myself out to lunch, went shopping, did some P90x yoga (though difficult, always leaves you feeling amazing), went to this place, because I couldn't think of a place that I would feel more loved--and indeed I did---and took a bubble bath. It was by no means a perfect day. I ate lunch by myself, it rained on me & ruined the hair I took the time to curl, I couldn't find the movie I wanted to watch, a button fell off my new (really cute by the way) coat, I didn't make the session I was trying to and missed rehearsing that night with a friend. But in all the madness of the torrential downpour and things not going as expected I just smiled and laughed to myself. No love is perfect, I thought. It's better that way.
And while we're on the topic, I went on a date! That makes 4 official dates (I think) this year...and a handful of non-official or "non-dates" as I call them. I realize how pathetic that sounds, but this is monumental my friends! And all of them were after this post (Doors.) Coincidental? Maybe...but probably not. I'm still in possession of the master key in case you were wondering. But I suppose there is reason to hope for a different story in 2011. Let's just say it's nice to have options. In the end, it makes the choice all the more meaningful. After all, I am off to taste the rainbow in New York City (that was for you, Erin.) I also learned that playing tag in bumper cars is way funner than you would think and re-affirmed that though I suck at bowling, I can still come out destroyer...ha. At least my date was a good bowler. I also learned more about Italy from one of the other guys on the date who served his mission there. He had better things to say about Venice than Florence, but I suppose I will have to find out for myself...someday :).
I spent a lot of time (once again) at this place. Kylee says I'm addicted. Maybe. But I also did not anticipate being here at this point in my life, and through a sequence of events felt guided to where I am and being able to go to this place. So I appreciate it all the more and feel the most peace and assurance there. That's all.
My sister came home and it's been nice to have another person my age in the house. Although my parents are always fun, they fall asleep on the couch within 5 minutes of every movie. So, there has been lots of good food, mostly Christmas cookies (and you wonder why I've been running so much), and lots of friends to have fun & share them with. That's what the holidays are all about right? People (friends & family), love & chocolate! ha.
I spent Christmas Eve first with my family and then with the family of a dear friend. Through one of their Christmas traditions, I was given the opportunity to reflect on what I've been most grateful for this year. And I realized I have a lot to be grateful for. My family, the addition of my new, healthy niece, Ella, the ability to release my album and the wonderful reception it has had (thank you thank you thank you!!! I don't know if you can ever fully understand how much it means to me!), I've lost 40 pounds!!!--I'm currently sitting here wearing pants that are two sizes smaller than the ones I was wearing this time last year. I still have more to go. By this time next year I plan to be wearing pants that are two sizes smaller than that...but I am fine with the slow & steady, it's been a rewarding process of finding myself again. I have met so many wonderful people this year that have meant so much to me and been there for me at the most unexpected times. When I moved here I knew relatively no one and left so many good friends in other places. It is nice to know you can find good people everywhere you go.
On Christmas we woke up late (things are a bit different when there's only 4 of us and we're all adults), went and saw Harry Potter in the theatre, made dinner (my dad makes some amazing salmon...just trust me, it's amazing), ate outside under candlelight, THEN opened our presents, sang Christmas carols and watched a movie. (oh and Kristin and I had a photoshoot in our matching Christmas pajamas...don'tbejealousiknowyouare.)
This month I was interviewed by my good friend, Nicole Sheahan and featured in a Mormon Times article about my music. I also found out that a song I sang on Reflections of Christ ("I Need Thee Every Hour") is being featured in an independent film coming out this year called "Higher Ground." And, this morning I did my first radio interview (over the phone) for with Cherie Call. It will be posted online Tuesday, so look for the link! I joked on facebook about being "famous and things"...well...not yet...but I really just want to share the music. So, I appreciate your help and support in that endeavor.
We'll be heading back to Mesa tonight and I will try to figure out what I'm doing for New Year's Eve. I am trying to look forward to this event and with it the coming of a new year that I hope will bring lots of growth and change like this year did. It's just that I became accutely aware of a certain New Year's tradition when I was around 16 or 17 and have yet to participate in it. This year it feels slightly more sensitive and though I could be crazy and just throw my inhibition out the door to participate in this tradition with just anyone it doesn't feel quite right. This is really not a big deal or the end of the world...but I am a girl. But by next year...hopefully it'll be a different story...hopefully I will be in Times Square and I will have no problem laying one on whatever moderately attractive male that is in my proximity. Ha. Ha. Let's hope he's drunk!!!
New Year's night I'll be celebrating the birth of one of my favorite people on earth, Ms. Kylee Shields. This is cause for celebration.
Then I'll go on to start my job and probably inevitably attempt to relate reading to other life endeavors and fill the minds of these 5th and 6th graders with the hope that through hard work and believing, anything is possible. This is the part of teaching that I love. Other parts I could care less for. But when you see a glimpse in a kid's eye that they actually get what you're saying and want to believe you, it makes it all worth it. I'm thinking of you, Gordon...the scrawny, red-headed awkward child in my class who took teasing and bullying from the others and dished it right back out. Who ate donuts and pixie sticks for breakfast and complained that you needed a Red Bull to start your day though without any candy or sugar at all you were running a mile a minute. Your parents split and your grandpa died halfway through the term and the rest of the kids made homophobic jokes about you even though you had a crush on the new girl with the glasses in the corner. You listened to me that day when I brought in my John Lennon "Imagine" playlist and I asked you to write or draw about what music means to you or about what you want to be in life and I said that no matter your circumstances now you could have that if you wanted and you worked hard and it didn't matter what anybody else said. And you started to stay after class and help me clean up Rhythm Bingo and you said it was because you didn't like your science teacher and didn't want to go to the next period. I saw in you what I hope to see in these other kids...hope and potential. You make teaching worthwhile. And I'm excited to go back.
This has been a long post, and I apologize for withholding and then pouring out like a broken faucet. It's how I roll...sometimes.
For now, Life, I'll try to believe in you. I'll try to push away that doubt that comes creeping in and threatens to destroy the progress I've made. I still feel this way. And I still am hoping for you to come through.
I want to believe in everything you say to me,
entreating me to be all that you see in me,
but I just need to know that love's always gonna show
when I'm afraid to be,
I hope that you carry me.
I hope that you carry me.
Thanks for taking the ride,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hey everyone!
Happy (almost) Thanksgiving! What other day can we celebrate binge eating, laying around all day and watching too much TV and not feel bad about it? Hopefully you have a lot to feel thankful for and I hope your holiday is filled with food and family!
Here's what I'm thankful for:
My EP "The Truth" was released on Saturday, November 20th and it received such a warm reception at my release concert that night! It was all I could ever ask for after laboring over this musical child for so long. Letting it go out into the real world was a bit scary, but thank you to everyone who is embracing this record and loving it! It means the world to me! If you're interested in purchasing a copy, you can find it on iTunes, Amazon mp3, or get a physical copy through my blog If you live locally in Mesa, AZ you can pick up a copy at Musician's Choice music store as well...or Kylee's house:).
Secondly, in honor of Thanksgiving and the fact that we just reached over FOUR HUNDRED fans on facebook (WHAT?!?!) and as a big THANK YOU to everyone for your amazing support for this record I am offering a fan exclusive download of my song "Carry Me" through my reverbnation page!!! This song is about being afraid and having someone to carry you through and my hope is as I go through my career that there will be amazing people like you who will remind me why I do this and that I can do this, so thank you thank you thank you!
Sorry for all of the gushing (but it's the holidays!) Have a great holiday and stay away from Aunt Edna's yams!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
What are you scared of?
I'm Scared to try cuz I'm scared to fail
I'm scared to die cuz I'm scared of hell
I'm scared to kiss I'm scared to hug
I'm scared of sex cuz I'm scared to touch
I'm scared to look cuz I'm scared to see
I'm scared of you cuz I'm scared of me
I'm scared to fly I'm scared to crash
I'm scared to move on so I live in the past
I'm scared to fight cuz I'm scared to bleed
I'm scared to love cuz I'm scared he'll leave
I'm scared of drugs I'm scared to drink
I'm scared to swim cuz I'm scared to sink
I'm scared to learn cuz I'm scared of truth
Don't wanna gain weight cuz I'm scared of food
I'm scared to think that the label drop me
I'm scared to think of my album floppin...
This may sound silly but its true
So don't pretend it aint you too
We all afraid of something here
Cuz you aint human with out fear
I'm scared to start cuz I'm scared I'll quit
I'm scared that people won't like my s@#%
I'm scared of fame and paparazzi
of rumors starting and people watching
I'm scared to grow up cuz I'm scared to get old
I'm scared of the dark and being alone
I'm scared of war I'm scared of jail
Scared to share a secret cuz I'm scared you'll tell
This may sound silly but its true
This may sound silly but its true
So don't pretend it aint you too
But I aint too scared to share my fears
We all afraid of something here
Cuz you aint human with out fear
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dream Big

Friday, November 5, 2010
Re: Stacks
Re: Stacks
This my excavation and today is kumran
Everything that happens is from now on
This is pouring rain
This is paralyzed
I keep throwing it down two-hundred at a time
It's hard to find it when you knew it
When your money's gone
And you're drunk as hell
On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks are your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load
I've twisting to the sun I needed to replace
The fountain in the front yard is rusted out
All my love was down
In a frozen ground
There's a black crow sitting across from me; his wiry legs are crossed
And he's dangling my keys he even fakes a toss
Whatever could it be
That has brought me to this loss?
On your back with your racks as the stacks as your load
In the back and the racks and the stacks of your load
In the back with your racks and you're un-stacking your load
This is not the sound of a new man or a crispy realization
It's the sound of the unlocking and the lift away
Your love will be safe with me
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Doesn't mean I'm lost
Doesn't mean I'll stop
Doesn't mean I'm across
Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserved
No better and no worse
I just got lost!
Every river that I tried to cross
Every door I ever tried was locked
Oh and I'm just waiting til the shine wears off
You might be a big fish
In a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause along may come
A bigger one
And you'll be lost!
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Oh and I'm just waiting til the firing's stopped
Oh and I'm just waiting til the shine wears off
Monday, October 25, 2010
Shae Fiol-A Woman's Presence
Shae Fiol is a Brooklyn-based artist, originally from Portland, OR. She's crazy talented, and though I may be slightly biased, I don't think my bias detracts from this fact...cause she is...but she's also the sister of one of my best friends from high school, Lia. Their mom, Beth, Lia and Shae are some of the most talented, beautiful, awesome people I've ever met.
A night with these ladies would probably include making dinner with food straight from their garden, pulling out the mandolin, piano & guitars, talking about the amazingness of Oscar Peterson and Chaka Khan, going on an after dinner walk through their beautiful Portland (area) neighborhood, sitting in a drum circle and jamming and improving for hours on end, dancing to the ensuing afro-latin beats, enjoying the late Portland summer sunset, drinking wine & beer (not me), and basking in the moment and the beauty and rhythm that is life and the earth around us. They are artists in the truest sense, in the creativity and beauty and joy that surround them.
I have yet to travel to their New Hampshire (is it?) cabin/home/lake/garden/farm where they have been residing off and on for the last few years since Beth retired. But, someday I will and I can't wait. Also, Lia, I miss you and I need to come see you in's true.
A Woman's Presence by Shae Fiol
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I love my brother.



Monday, October 18, 2010
Chapter 2: The Idea of Love
Here's why:
take a bow
cause you played your heart out
and take your time with working the rest out
and try & stay out of your head
oh so what
maybe she could not really ever see you through her self
what does that change about you or her?
maybe down the road i'll see you in a blur
from the speed of light you moving with her
maybe down the road i'll see you in a blur
see you in a blur
don't lean back, my friend
and try & stay out of your head
i have seen you invent the damndest things there
and try & stay out of your head
i have seen you invent the damndest things there
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Running Race
Monday, October 11, 2010
You can pre-order my EP via paypal for the next two weeks! I will be sending out all pre-orders up to a week before the official release date on November 6th. I will be signing all pre-orders AND if you enter your e-mail address I will send you an acoustic version of "Enough" sometime in the next two weeks. Do you hear that?!??!! A free song AND a signed copy of the EP!!! That's exciting.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
carry me
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Love. Chapter 1: Love is a choice.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Truth
Last night at 11 pm I left Milpitas with master CDs to my EP and the Noteworthy album in my hand!!! the culmination of almost 2 years of intermittent work...the bulk of which happened over the last few months. I arranged or co-arranged 8 of the 14 tracks on NW's album and added to the arrangements of at least 3 more for the studio. The girls put so much into this album, including incredible singing, solos, original songs and lots and lots of heart! I am so proud of them and this piece of work. It may not make waves or be the best thing you've ever heard since the invention of collegiate acappella in 2006 (that was for you Christopher), but it's good...and I enjoy litsening to it. And I hope you will too. And that' s the point. (**Thank you Bill Hare!!! and the Hare family--Jennie, Katie & Laura for being incredible hosts and friends this week!!!)
And so the fruits of my labors have been born....after a long, painful, arduous, anxiety-ridden, sometimes rewarding, mentally & emotionally taxing gestation period. I have spent all of this time and energy bringing these music babies to life and they're here...little music infants, not quite ready for the world...but they have to be...usually you get 18 years for this kind of thing...but suddenly I have to send them off into the world and hope that you care for them as much as I do. It's kind of strange. But it's time. Long "overdue", if you will. So that is my hope, that you will love them and take care of them and cherish them and snuggle them and hold them like all good music babies should be loved. Can I count on you?
Now comes a few weeks of the mundane but necessary business side of things...researching, registering songs and business/publishing, mechanical royalties, album art, replication, website design, CD release concert, etc etc...all that fun stuff. And the big, NOW WHAT?! I'm excited for that part...the unknown possibility. I have some things in mind...and I'm not afraid to dive in this time...maybe take a step back and garner a little more from the world...decide what I want to say this time around...who I want to be... And I hope you come along for the ride.
So here I am sitting in my hotel room alone...overly joyed with how the last week went and that I finished something that was really hard and mostly that I got over my own self and pursued something that I wanted...because I had a dream and I wanted to share it with you. And soon I will. But...that joy is somehow slightly less than full...because I'm sitting here alone. I was going to play in the city this weekend, though those plans were slightly hampered by the fact that my friend who was going to join me on this venture is stuck in Utah. And, I could stay and play on my own or just hang out for a few days. But, I can't help but think this moment would be so much better if I was with the people I care about and love...those people are scattered all across the this can't be fully accomplished. But for now, I want to go home. Because I am wholly feeling the sentiment to the title track of my EP....nothing ever has come close, and in the end what matters most is love. So that's the message I'm leaving with you at the culmination of this thing....dreams are great and all, but without love nothing truly matters.
The Truth
by Catherine Papworth
On this night I feel so all alone
empty walls surrounding my empty bones
and everything is alright,
but I just can't shake this feeling inside
'cause I've been looking for
something I ain't had before
something beautiful,
something just to make me whole
but everybody, we all need
we need somebody
'cause nothing ever has come close,
and in the end what matters most is
I met a man out on highway 25
he said he left his kids and kissed his wife goodbye
he said,
I'm out to lose myself on the open road
but searching 'round all the world
he ain't gonna find what he's got at home
but he went looking for
something he thought he'd had before
something beautiful,
something just to make him whole
but everybody, we all need
we need somebody
'cause nothing ever did come close
and he found out what matters most is
people dying, worlds are fighting
and in our homes are children crying
tell me what we're gonna do,
look at the way we live,
the things we choose
'cause everybody needs a home,
the truth is this and this I know
we all fighting just to find a way,
in love
in love
we've been looking for
something we ain't had before
something beautiful,
something just to make us whole
but everybody, we all need
we need somebody
'cause nothing ever will come close,
and in the end what matters most is
(say what you want, what you wanna do 'cause love is gonna come first
we want the truth, nothing but the truth so love is gonna come first
say what you want, what you wanna do 'cause love has gotta come first
we need the truth, nothing but the truth so love has gotta come first)
On this night I feel so all alone....